Real Estate and The Sopranos...

Sometimes real estate lingo sounds like an episode of The Sopranos. For instance:

We gotta take a haircut on this deal, Paulie.

Oh, just whack the tenant.

Is (Broker X) a friend of mine or a friend of ours?

We're gonna take out the bank. It's what we hafta do.

Okay, maybe I am exaggerating. But taking out the bank is Joseph Freed's goal and its best alternative to a negotiated agreement since any such agreement at this point seems impossible. Freed is looking for equity and debt, according to Crain's today. You can read all about what is going on, including a hearing next Friday. While the receivership order was entered, I think based on the story that the order was stayed until the next hearing, by which time the receiver can take over upon presentation of a bond and insurance.

Now, is Freed going up for interim appellate relief in the meantime? I haven't read the order in the case so I don't know whether the so-called magic words regarding such an appeal are in there; Freed vowed to appeal but in the meantime is doing what it should -- looking for that BATNA. Because, you see, its the bottom of the eighth inning and the lender just took a big lead in the game.


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