Ooh, ooh! A proxy fight at Grubb & Ellis!

I guess Tony Thompson wants back in at Grubb & Ellis (the name of the consolidated company after the Triple Net Properties deal -- as you know Tony started that company):
Thompson, who has criticized Grubb & Ellis management for some time after leaving the company early this year, has mailed a letter to Grubb & Ellis stockholders that says, “We have watched in dismay over the past nine months as Grubb & Ellis has, in our view, lost its way.”
Thompson is just not happy that G&E has lost 82% of its value since he left. Join the club, bucko. The market's tough out there. Grubb responds by saying that Thompson may just want his company bought out or absorbed, also noting:
Thompson's suggestions offer “nothing that has not already been implemented or considered” by the board and “completely ignores the realities of the current economic environment and real estate market,” the company said in a letter to shareholders.
I do not have a dog or current client in this fight, although I did represent NNN in the past on some small matters. I guess if I had to choose sides I would go with present management. Nothing against Thompson, but he had his run and can go run his own company now. If someone knows something else or can shed additional light on this I'd like to know more.


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