Totally OT - Dear Michael and John:

We don't know each other, but you were there today for a stranger.

That stranger was my mother, who blew a tire today on a narrow section of freeway driving between a concrete barrier and a semi.

She could have been hurt or killed.

You stopped your motorcycles, took off your helmets(!) and worked feverishly to help her get back on the road, again, in dangerous conditions. You would not take a dime from her, saying that you hoped someone would do the same for your mother.

You did, however, accept Mom's (and her friend's) thanks, prayers and a hug. And I will always remember that preconceived notions about people and their habits and dress are just that.

And let me add my own thanks, from the bottom of my heart. You are gentlemen in the truest sense of the word. May God bless and keep you well, and may all your travels be safe.


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