Blogging and Beyond

I really try not to be a big horn tooter on my blog. Heck, I sometimes wonder if I am just writing for my own amusement or ego. I truly enjoy writing, not as a money-making exercise or a client-attracting bait; I consider any business that comes from my blog as a bonus or a fringe benefit. I am liberal arts kind of guy, so while I don't think I can say with certainty why I blog, to some extent it is because I enjoy learning for learning's sake. And believe me, I am learning.

So now I'm breaking the rule and blowing my trumpet, even though I am really a timpanist in my spare time: Commercial Property News has a story out about commercial real estate bloggers, and Brad Berton was nice enough to write about me. I think Brad captured my enthusiasm for practicing law and blogging in this article. Thanks, Brad. (It turns out that Brad and I have a number of common friends in the business, which just proves my axiom that we play in a very small world.)

All right, I'm putting my mouthpiece and mallets away now. Back to dirt.


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