Analyzing trends and catching typos

Jacob Cynamon has some very good analysis of Chicago office trends here. The post picks apart a recent story in National Real Estate Investor on the topic.

What I also like is that Jacob picked up on some editorial problems within some good content. Those were nice catches, and I half-jokingly told Jacob he should have considered law school.

Seriously, though, lawyers have to sweat details like editing. I'll never forget having to proofread a metes and bounds legal description of an 878.3960 acre property. This was almost ten years ago, and yes, I still remember that number. The description was seven or eight pages long, and the description in the title commitment had to match the legal in the survey call for call. Yes, you can get a title insurance endorsement for this, but this was a big deal, especially to the partner running the real estate side of things.

What I am getting at is this: details can matter. Sometimes they are trifling, and if so, I tend to let them go so as to not run up the client's bill. But other times they can really make or break a deal. I am dealing with such details (involving adjoining property rights) currently on a local matter in which I am involved, and believe me, the little things you might think "don't matter much" really can, especially when you get a lender or third parties involved. So be forewarned: sometimes you do have to sweat the small stuff, so get a good team to help.


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