It is unofficially fall. Where do we go from here?

Back to work time. Where does the market go? Beats me; that is why I am the lawyer.

But seriously, David Bodamer was once again kind enough to find a well-written post from Net Gain Real Estate about real estate investing in a marker correction, including a good basic three-point summary for analyzing property before getting into serious due diligence: cash flow, tenant quality and net growth. That is a great start for any investor in any property.

I also this holiday weekend got around to catching up on the zillion periodicals to which I subscribe and came across a characteristically witty piece in Fortune from Ben Stein. His take? "Stupid" investors who just buy the broad markets make money in the long run, while "smart" investors lose trying by jumping in and out of the market. My favorite line was what I assume is a swipe at Jim Cramer, one of my favorite writers: "[The smart investor] even has bald people on TV telling him he's right to worry." (I nonetheless love Cramer and think Confessions of a Street Addict is nothing short or sheer genius imo.)

Let's see who is right and how it will impact the CRE market.


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