Interesting hotel news

Two stories caught my eye today in the hotel sector.
In the first, Scott McCartney of the Journal (sub. req'd) discusses the impact of $500/night rooms in New York. We're not talking the Ritz or the Four Seasons or the Waldorf, either; we're talking Marriott, Sheraton, Hilton -- nice flags, but not at that price point. Some people -- yours truly included -- will be avoiding overnight stays in Manhattan until that changes.
The other story is a followup to a piece that appeared a few weeks ago about a new JW Marriott in Grand Rapids that was planning to build a floor with a lounge for women only, with special amenities that that chain thought might appeal more to women. Well, apparently after some outcry (and legal concerns!), that idea has been nixed. The "special" rooms will still be built; they'll just be open to both genders. Good move. The next time we're in Grand Rapids (a very nice city, BTW), maybe we'll stay there instead of the (also nice) Residence Inn in the suburbs.


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