Again, I have taken some time away from writing here, and today I must venture back into politics again, my previous controversial comments on Sarah Palin notwithstanding. I am sick and tired of the government - Republicans and Democrats alike - playing political games for the benefit of no one but themselves. Every fight is a game of chicken and we are the cars. The most recent is the deficit and debt ceiling debate. You want to balance the budget or come reasonably close? Warren Buffett had a good idea . These people in DC are coming off like a pack of petulant children, and it has to come to a stop for the good of this country. Inspired by Mr. Buffett, I therefore propose the following constitutional amendment for your consideration. I know it needs refining. Please let me know your thoughts, and, if you like it, please share it with your friends: Section 1. Congress shall, on or before 11:59 PM Eastern Time on June 30 in any calendar year, adopt all legislation necessary pe...