Hosting this week's #CRECHAT on Twitter!
I guess it is time for me to dust off my chat hosting skills -- I can't believe it has been about 13 years since I have done it -- for a good cause! #CRECHAT on Twitter is a great group of commercial real estate professionals that meets weekly at 1:00 PM (Central time) on Fridays for an hour to discuss issues of the day in the business. This is the brainchild of my friend Jason Sandquist in Minneapolis, whom I have gotten to know through social media . I think he is a great and smart guy and really appreciate the effort he has put into #CRECHAT. This week's topic is "Overcoming Obstacles in Commercial Real Estate Transactions." Simply put: what are some of the biggest problems out there that you have encountered, and how did you solve the problem for your client or for yourself to make the deal happen? Was it a person, a thing, a legal problem, a business issue, money or something else? And what steps did you take to make the deal happen? Or was it a...