Recession, Depression, Recovery: What's in a Name, Anyway?
I am in a obscure quotations mode today, so please excuse me in advance. No, I am not about to start brushing up on my Shakespeare or start quoting him now. (In fact, I'm not sure I ever even seen Kiss Me Kate all the way through.) But this weekend I had to think about what I have seen the last few years. I know economists have their own definitions of recession and depression and all that. But I also know that you can cook the books on statistics such as unemployment. (This is nothing new, by the way . And thank you, Benjamin Disraeli.) We are seeing more talk of depression-like problems: the so-called 99 weekers (a term I first saw here ), a real unemployment rate that is higher than the statistics indicate as people just plain give up on looking for work and thus are no longer in the stats, companies that refuse to spend the money they are making and declining to hire out of a fear of higher taxes and low demand for products (aside: I don't know a single ...