Carried Interest Fails to Carry the Day
The protestations that it would not materially impact the industry notwithstanding, a lot of my friends and colleagues in the commercial real estate industry are breathing a sigh of relief. Once again, provisions taxing so-called carried interest as ordinary income will not be passing Congress. Well, at least that's what everyone is saying. Remember, health care was dead too at some point and we all know what happened there. I understand the appeal of the law -- get those hedge funds! But it also goes after real estate with a vengeance. Take your small to mid sized real estate developer who takes a risk by working on a brownfield or on a project in a marginal area or with IRRs that only work because of the nature of the investment. So, those borderline deals go away, as to the leases, the sale, the construction jobs, the employment that comes with the finished real estate. You get the picture. What seems reasonable on the surface is a devil in t...